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The MOVE Fundamentals Program is our exciting introduction to the world of

Gymnastics Strength Training (GST)

This one-on-one course will prepare you to reach your highest possible level of fitness. This  program is required for anyone who is new to our methodologies. This program consists of 5 private coaching sessions and 2 group stretch classes – however, this may change depending on your level of progress and comfort.  

Our primary goal in these 60-minute sessions is to prepare you to join our group classes with confidence, a good base of strength and with any pre existing injuries taken care of and no longer posing a problem for you. We will identify your own unique strengths and weaknesses, some of which are yet unknown, to hone pre-existing skills and begin to improve on the things that are holding back your athletic ability. You will learn how to train safely and efficiently, with a focus on developing a strong technical base. We will slowly add more movements, and skills, as you progress.

Under our guidance and within each session, you’ll have the chance to push yourself and put your new skills to the test. This program brings results – and will prepare you well for the faster-pace class environment.  

We encourage you to take before and after pictures or we will take them for you to help capture your transformation.

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