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MOVE REBUILD: Elbow Buddy 101 & Ask the Physical Therapist (PT)




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Welcome to MOVE REBUILD.  Also known as “Elbow Buddy 101” and “Ask the Physical Therapist / Strength Coach”.
Joe and I are really excited about this membership series, for many reasons.  We both own facilities in Florida where we see a lot of patients and clients in person.  We also work with each other.  Joe trains at MOVE with coach Jason, and works on my body weekly.  His manual work continues to be a game-changer for my progress as an athlete.
We’re lucky because we get to experience the benefit of being HERE.
But what if you’re not here, locally?  That’s what we’ve run into.  Many of our MOVE online clients come to us with pre-existing injuries (shoulders, hips, and back, mainly) or stuff that comes up along the way – and they don’t have an exceptional manual therapist locally.  We’ve taught many of these folks our famous “elbow buddy” techniques, whereby they learn what to do on their own.  Sometimes our elbow buddy videos are shown to a massage therapist or PT who can then learn a more effective way of getting into the affected tissues and joints.
Guess what?!!  It’s worked.  Our elbow buddy videos help.
Thus, we’ve turned it into a thing.  We’re launching this series with the 3 most common areas affecting the upper body, and lower body.  Joe highlights beginner level manual techniques to help your shoulders, and hips, while Ash highlights beginner level training drills to increase strength and coordination of the same areas.
In this on-going, always evolving program series, you’ll get access to:

About Joe Millen

Joseph Millen graduated from Oakland University in 1985 with a BS Physical Therapy. He then completed post graduate certifications in Manual Therapy in 1993.

Joe has been in the practice of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy since 1985.

In 2008, Joe specialized and developed a clinical fitness curriculum which focuses on the integration of physical therapy principles and fundamentals along with exercise physiology and athletic development. He continues to evolve this curriculum and apply it in his practice.

Joe has extensive training in manual joint and soft tissue mobilization along with the neuromuscular integration into functional training. His current company, Impact Health and Performance, is focused on working with clients to address areas of pain and injury that limit their athletic activity as well as enhancing the client’s physical performance.

His current collaboration with Ashleigh Gass & MOVE is to make accessible the fundamental skill sets required to restore optimal health while attaining elite performance.

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