MOVE online training

Now, we want to extend an invitation to you. We want you to join our community of driven individuals dedicated to pushing their limits, achieving their goals, and unlocking their true potential.

It’s time to take action and make a choice that will revolutionize your training. Refrain from settling for mediocrity or following the crowd.

Choose excellence.

Choose innovation.

Choose US.

Imagine a training program that goes beyond the ordinary that combines the best of traditional strength and conditioning with the transformative power of Gymnastics Strength Training (GST). This unique approach has been proven to deliver exceptional results and can do the same for you.

We’re not just coaches; we’re athletes who have experienced firsthand the impact of this training methodology. We’ve dedicated ourselves to mastering our craft and want to share our knowledge and expertise.

But this is more than just a training program. It’s a chance to rewrite your story, break through barriers, and surpass your expectations. It’s an opportunity to become your strongest, fittest, and most resilient version.

So, keep this from passing you by. Take that first step towards greatness. Join us on this journey, and guide you toward your goals. We will defy limits, shatter boundaries, and achieve excellence.

The time for hesitation is over. The time for action is now. Join our community, embrace the challenge, and transform your training forever.

MOVE’s Secret Ingredients – how do we put it all together?

Let’s dive into what makes our training approach so effective:


1. Unleash the Power of Traditional Strength & Conditioning + Calisthenics:

We become your personal program architects based on our in-depth interview call and detailed assessment. Consider this your phase 1, where the magic begins!

We’ll craft a custom blend of strength training, mobility exercises, and flexibility work tailored to your needs, desires, and what you observe in your assessment videos.

Get ready to experience a program that’s dynamic and individualized.


2. Master Your Mindset:

We all have those moments when we unintentionally get in our way. But fear not! We’ve got your back. Our programming isn’t just about physical aspects but about empowering your mindset.

Life can throw curveballs, whether it’s traveling, needing rest and recovery weeks, or unexpected changes to your schedule. But here’s the thing: we’ve been there, and we’ve got the expertise to help you navigate through it all. Our job is to ensure that you know you can conquer any challenge that comes your way because, with our guidance and support, you absolutely can!


Program Details – our approach.

Here’s what you can expect as you jump on board for your 8-week (well, actually nine weeks with an overview of our initial approach) journey with us:

First, we want to ensure that you start on the right foot. That’s why we’ll dive into a more profound interview call to explore everything you need to know for the first training phase.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

1. Training and Injury History:

We want to know your training journey inside out. We’ll discuss your training history and any past injuries and understand your unique perception of strengths and weaknesses. It’s all about understanding where you’re coming from and where you want to go with us.

2. Your Health Story:

Your well-being matters to us. We’ll take the time to understand your health history, ensuring we create a program that aligns with your needs and considerations.

3. Nutrition Insights:

Nutrition plays a crucial role in achieving your goals. We’ll dive into your nutrition history, uncovering what works for you and what doesn’t. We’ll identify your nutritional strengths and areas where we can provide guidance and support. Even within our training program, we address healthy basics as needed because we believe in a holistic approach to your success.

4. Finding the Perfect Fit:

Your schedule is essential, and we want to ensure your training fits seamlessly into your life. We’ll discuss what you can commit to each week and determine how much time you can allocate daily or weekly for training. This way, we can design a program that works harmoniously with your lifestyle.

Armed with all this valuable information, we’ll create assessment videos tailored specifically to you. These videos will be uploaded into your file within our app, allowing us to understand your strengths and weak points in-depth. We’ll review these videos with precision and expertise, making initial programming decisions that set the stage for your remarkable journey ahead.

Get ready to embark on a customized, detailed, and designed program to bring out the best in you. We can’t wait to get started!

Click that button below, and let’s dive into the next chapter of your fitness evolution together. It’s going to be a blast!

Training Programming and Coaching

By now, if you’ve already filled out your application to learn more about MOVE, that’s awesome – we’ll see you soon! If not, read for more detailed information about MOVE’s unique programming style and coaching methodology.

Customized, Individualized Programming: Your program will suit YOUR training needs.

We consider your experience level, current fitness level, and the equipment you can access.

Our plans are designed to be gradual and progressive, ensuring you can confidently navigate each step.

We’re all about flexibility, and our programs are built around your schedule, making it easy to fit into your busy life.

Plus, modifications and updates are released in 7-day increments, allowing us to fine-tune your program based on your progress and the results you’re achieving.

Now, let’s talk about the critical phases of your journey:


Phase 1: Foundations (aka the GPP – General Preparation Phase)

We’ll kick things off by building a solid strength and conditioning base. But that’s not all— we’ll also integrate mobility and stretching work to enhance your overall flexibility. This phase sets the stage for what’s to come and ensures that you have a solid foundation to build upon.


Phase 2: Build it up

In this phase, we crank up the volume and intensity of your strength training. It’s all about taking things up a notch and progressing with exercise selection. We’ll also increase the focus on mobility and flexibility training, adapting it to your progress and goals. Get ready to push your limits and watch your strength soar!


Phase 3: Finish it

This phase prepares you for the subsequent training phases and helps you develop a more independent training style. We’ll fine-tune your program, ensuring you’re ready to take on new challenges and confidently continue your fitness journey.

Now, let’s talk about our weekly coaching calls, where the magic happens:

We cover a lot of stuff during our weekly 30-45-minute calls, and it’s always a blast!

Here’s how your calls will typically flow:

We start with a general overview of your training. We want to get a feel for your progress and any highlights you want to share.

Next, it’s time for some interactive screen sharing on Zoom. We’ll review your training videos together, making decisions about your progress based on what we see. This is where the real-time coaching magic happens!

Are we on track, ahead of the game, or must we make adjustments? We’ll analyze your targets and adapt to ensure you’re always moving forward.

One of our key goals is to empower you to trust your choices. Every week, we’ll focus on increasing your knowledge, confidence, and ability to make decisions on the fly. We’re here to guide you and want you to become a self-assured fitness rockstar!

So, get ready to embark on a training journey like no other. We’ll be there every step of the way, ensuring your training is practical, enjoyable, and tailored to your unique goals. Let’s smash through boundaries and reach new heights together!

Ready to take the plunge? Click that button below, and let’s get started on this exhilarating adventure!

Supplemental Resources and Support Materials

Step into a realm where empowerment meets achievement, where your fitness journey is elevated to new heights. Welcome to our world of supplemental resources and unwavering support.

We’re not just here to equip you with the necessary tools but to guide you every step of the way. It’s time to unleash your potential and embark on a transformative fitness experience. Get ready to seize success because we’re here to make it happen. Welcome, and let’s embark on this incredible journey together.

Let’s dive into what we have in store for you:

1. Tailored Resources:

We understand that each individual has unique needs. That’s why we provide resources specifically based on your requirements. We’ve covered you, from shopping lists to checklists, cheat sheets to action lists, and educational modules. These resources are designed to enhance your understanding, simplify your journey, and keep you on track toward achieving your goals.

2. Private 1-on-1 Support:

You’ll have private, personalized support throughout the program. We’ll have weekly 30-45-minute coaching calls to ensure you start strong and stay on the path to success. These calls allow you to discuss challenges, reassess your progress, and refocus your efforts to align with your goals. Moreover, we’ll incorporate live training video reviews via Zoom and screen sharing. Our students have found this aspect incredibly effective, providing real-time feedback and guidance to optimize their training experience.

3. Additional Tools and Resources:

We go above and beyond to equip you with everything you need to thrive. Our comprehensive Training & Nutrition App will track and report your customized workouts, keeping you accountable and motivated. Plus, you’ll have 24/7 access to your coach through our coaching apps and business text line. You can reach out anytime for daily communication, accountability, questions, and support. We’re here to cheer you on every step of the way.

4. Expert Advice and Guidance:

As part of our commitment to your success, we’ll provide you with advice and guidance on supplements and various health testing. We believe in a holistic approach to your well-being and will offer insights and recommendations to enhance your progress.

5. SOS Call Support:

We understand that challenges can arise anytime. That’s why we offer the option to book a 1-on-1 SOS call with us whenever you need it. Whether you’re facing a roadblock or need extra support, we’re just a call away to provide the assistance and guidance you require.

Are you ready to access this unparalleled level of support and results? Click the button below to embark on a transformative fitness journey!

Join us, and let’s make your goals a reality. Your future self will thank you for it. Let’s do this!

Step 1 :

Book a quick discovery call.
This gives us the opportunity to connect with you and determine if we’re a fit. If it is, we book a secondary call to take a deeper dive into your training history and current situation.

Step 2 :

Complete the assessment.
The assessment is strength, mobility and movement based. We use this information to plan phase one of your training. In our private coaching program, you’ll be in one of 3 categories: FUBAR, FBRJS (Former Badass Ready for a Jumpstart) or HLP (High Level Performer).

Step 3 :

Get started!
This is where we really see results with clients – week in, week out, via video review and live coaching calls.


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I sought out online coaching and MOVE as I as an athlete was tired of pre-written one-size-fits-all-programs and needed something more to get me to the next level. My experience with Ashleigh and Jason have been great. This is hard work, they make sure that the training targets my weaknesses as well as challenging my strengths, building a solid base while I still feel that I’m progressing as an athlete. The systematic and individualized approach to mobility, strength-work and movement really appeals to me as I can clearly see where I’ve been and where I’m headed. I can wholeheartedly recommend this coaching opportunity to any athlete that are looking to improve their physical game.
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I used to be a martial art instructor, fit and flexible. But after 20 years with a stressfull job, long hours at the office, I transformed myself into an hippopotamus breathless and totally stiff. I tryed to change that…i went to a gym, got muscle mass but my health was not getting better. Went to see several coaches that were supposed to adapt their training, but i was all about mass gain or fat loss. Then i discovered @ashleighrgass, and the change was brutal! She designed a training for my goals, and adapted to my hip and knee problem. I started to be more flexible and my overweight melted like snow in the sun ! All was built around my needs. She helped me fix my limitations, mental and physical! With her positive energy she kept me accountable, and tought me to find the ressources to transform myself mentally and physically!
Bob L.
Bob L.
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Ashleigh and I recently connected regarding online training. Due to my weight, soreness and overall crappy condition, I told her ‘no way’. I didn’t think online was a possibility and really felt i’d be way over my head. Reluctantly, I agreed to try. We started off with an assessment as to where I was at. This involved an interview as well as basic movements. Within 2 days, I’d made a bunch of changes to my diet, and began a supplement protocol which included creatine. Literally immediately, my muscle pain went away. The exercises I do daily are easy to follow via the app, and seem to match up really well with my capabilities. The first week with diet, walking and exercise I’m down Illbs, and feeling much better already. I highly recommend Ashleigh as one of the best world class trainers, nutritionists, and caring motivators!
Courtney T.
Courtney T.
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I worked with Ashleigh & Jason for about 3 months this past spring and my experience of working with them was nothing short of awesome. They are hugely passionate about what they do and they have the education and intellect to do it remarkably well. Not only did they help me make gains in my training, but they genuinely cared about my well-being along the way. I would highly recommend Ashleigh and Jason to anyone who is serious about their training and looking for a strong support system along the way?

I hurt my back when I was in the military years ago. At first I made do and was able to keep up with my training and the back pain didn’t prevent me from daily activities. Fast forward to a desk job and a family and my back, training and physical shape have gone to pieces. I had ended up in a cycle where I would make progress in my training for a month or two and then I’d do something that would trigger my back pain and I’d be down for a month. I first met Ashleigh at a Gymnastic Strength Training Seminar several years ago, and after falling into this cycle I reached out to Ashleigh (Move GST) because she had personally been through her own back issues, far more severe than mine. At the time I was in physical therapy, but my progress was minimal. Everyday I had back pain that while getting better, prevented me from activities I wanted to do. Ashleigh set up a call to review the issues and see if she could help. We talked through my back issues as well as the numerous other surgeries I’ve had on my shoulder and distal bicep tendon. Afterwards I sent her my doctors diagnosis for her to review with her team and then she sent an assessment for me to work through and film. She also suggested that I find a physical therapist who does manual tissue work, as the my current therapist was primarily exercise based. I completed the assessment and then with Ashleigh’s help (extensive help, even calling up the practitioners to make sure it was what I needed) found a manual physical therapist and booked a session. After reviewing the assessment, Ashleigh put together my first week of training and I went to my manual therapy session. The first week of training was appropriately intense, my back was still in pain but the exercises challenged me and helped dial back the pain. I also went to the manual therapy session and combined with the training Ashleigh provided my back underwent a 180. I am now in my fourth week of training and my back pain while still there, is getting better and better. The exercises are helping immensely, but more than just that the entire experience with Ashleigh has been fantastic. We have weekly calls to review the video recordings of my training as well as to talk about how my back and other various ailments are doing. She has been outstanding in making any necessary adjustments on a weekly basis and helping to ensure that I’m making progress not just from a getting stronger perspective, but from a pain one. I can only imagine if I was able to train and work with her team in person for manual physical therapy how much further I’d be. I highly recommend Ashleigh and her team’s services!!!