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Our purpose with REBUILD is simple: to heal your body, correct movement dysfunction and optimize your performance.

Who is REBUILD For?

Active Individuals who struggle with being athletic because of nagging pain and injuries. It drives me nuts that our clients have been told to settle for pain or limitations in performance. You can achieve a healthy, active body while reaching optimal performance at all stages of life.You have the desire and the discipline – now connect it with the expertise to correct the cause of your chronic injuries while developing your athletic body so you can do the activities you desire.


REBUILD integrates highly effective sports and manual therapy with elite movement and strength training. By training, we mean the integration of traditional strength training with bodyweight training, flexibility (stretching techniques) and mobility (the process of strengthening joints through their range).

REBUILD is the combining of the elite programs of IMPACT HEALTH and MOVE.

Hi, I’m Joe Millen PT MTC, owner of Impact Health and Performance, and I’ve been treating clients like you for 36 years. I’m an orthopedic and sports physical therapist, husband, father and athlete. I’ve struggled with the pain of old injuries and chronic re-injury cycle that interferes with my ability to perform athletically in all aspects of life.

To be honest, I got tired of the typical “fix’em and forget ’em” model of healthcare and wanted more for my clients. That’s why I started IMPACT 15 years ago.

Hi, I’m Ashleigh Gass, I’m the owner of MOVE Gymnastics Inspired Strength Training. Back pain and injury absolutely plagued my adult life until my lumbar spine broke down. Long story short, I stumbled across Gymnastics Strength Training and learned exactly why things went so wrong. After neurosurgery, I combined a LOT of manual physical therapy with training – totally repairing an “irreparable” lower lumbar spine.

Without manual therapy, I’d not have made it this far.To date, I see Joe and Philip weekly, to continue progress not possible alone.

What exactly is REBUILD?

REBUILD integrates Manual Physical Therapy, Interactive Body Work and Functional Strength and Mobility Training to address your body as an integrated whole.

In REBUILD you get the best of our approaches.

Impact Health and Performance

People come to us in order to fix problems but often lack in the progression to optimal athletic performance. 


MOVE allows for a strong focus on optimal movement and athletic performance, but people often come in with pain and injuries that limit their performance.We refer to Impact on a regular basis to get our new students out of chronic pain.This allows for a much more effective training experience.

We integrate our approaches in REBUILD to provide you with optimal health and performance for life.
REBUILD is for you – to literally, REBUILD your body back from what may be moderate to severe pain and injury.

Our objective is to MOVE you from REBUILD to REBUILT. We’ve been successful with many combined clients to date.

Give us a call or stop in and get started today!

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Impact Health and Performance: 

727-785-8737 | Impacthealthnow.com

MOVE Gymnastics Inspired Strength Training:

727-474-6798 | movegst.com

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