move nutrition coaching

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We really appreciate you taking the time to speak with us & give us the opportunity to steer your nutrition planning for the near future.

We know there’s a lot of info out there and programs to choose from.

We’re advanced as coaches and athletes because we’ve studied our craft for decades, applied it in our own training AND in that of many others.

Head Coach & Nutritionist Ash has extensive experience in both the training and nutrition arena. She has a Masters Degree in Human Nutrition, is a CNS (Certified Nutrition Specialist) and a Sports Nutritionist via The International Society of Sports Nutrition. Ash is currently studying to become a Functional Medicine Practitioner, via The Kresser Institute. She’s well known for getting exceptional results with her clients.


The Importance of Synergy.

Synergy is the interaction or cooperation of 2+ variables to produce a combined effect. An effect greater than the sum of each part. This is why we structured MOVE Nutrition as a combined strategy integrating:

Education – we cover a wide range of topics which are also modified along the way for YOU. We make our curriculum available for you to study on a weekly basis (short, brief modules) which we then customize to your needs every week.

Efficient Weekly Coaching & Check-ins (we cover macros, food quality & quantity, nutrient timing, and other strategies as needed).

Body Composition Progress (we determine body comp stats right away either via InBody Scans, Dexa Scans, or old fashioned math). We closely monitor pics, measurements, and weight (all of this inside the 1st PHORM app we coach from).

Look / Feel / Perform – stats and measurements are critical – however – how you – LOOK – FEEL & PERFORM are senior. Health comes first – fat loss follows!

We teach you how to think about food, as opposed to just tossing another meal plan in your lap. We’ve found over years and years that the process of teaching you ‘the stuff’ allows you to create your own meal plans based on your life. At the end of the day, very few people want to be told what they ‘have to’ eat during each meal of the day. It’s just ineffective. We help you with all this but as the saying goes:

“If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime”


Quick Insight.

Nutrition – many of our students are well-versed in their nutrition, while others aren’t. Our job is to fine-tune this based on your current health and training goals. In other words, some people ‘know what to do’ but need firm strategies and accountability to do it. Others aren’t yet aware of the basics (say, the specific roles of amino acids, carbohydrates, and fats in the body). Believe it or not, the term ‘macros’ is not understood by many! After auditing what you’re already doing, we map out the education and initial strategies to help you efficiently.

Systems & Mindset – sometimes we get in our own way. We teach you how to adapt quickly & make modifications. Our coaching may include strategies while traveling, rest and recovery weeks if required, changes in training, and adjustments based on your weekly progress.


Program Details.

Step 1.

A virtual (or in-person) ‘cup of coffee’ if you will! We need to know exactly what you’re looking for, and if we can help.


Step 2.

If we’re a good fit and decide to move forward, we book a formal consult with you to review as much as possible about your health history and all relevant information to plan our first phase.

We also connect you into our 1st PHORM app, which allows you to start tracking daily meals and stats. We will set you up with an InBody Scan (or similar) so we quickly determine current body comp info.

We call this our “food audit” – we take a close look at your patterns and food quality. This helps us with our initial approach. Seeing what you’re actually eating on the daily is one of the only ways to coach effectively. Would you hire an accountant who never looked at your finances? Of course not. That’s why we require tracking, as accurately as possible. We then see patterns over time.


Step 3.

Weekly coaching sets in. We review everything in our meetings, whether in person or live on zoom. We do see weekly progress 100% of the time in our coaching, and make any adjustments needed during our calls.


Our Key Points of Education.

Nutrition coaching is based on your goals and the behaviors required to move you forward in reaching and sustaining a high level of functional health & performance.

Habits and lessons explored throughout the program include:

    • Meal Prep and organization around meal planning
    • Developing a ‘Healthy’ Relationship with your Food (modifying the idea of “good vs. bad”)
    • The 10% rule
    • “Anytime” meals & shakes
    • High-quality proteins with meals & why
    • High-quality fats with meals & why
    • Getting reconnected with fruits and vegetables (when, and why)
    • Getting smart about carbs (in particular, nutrient timing)
    • Re-feeds & ‘diet breaks’
    • Intermittent fasting (IF) when, why, and whether to integrate this.
    • Recording body comp stats above and beyond bodyweight
    • Creating and using a sleep ritual (and why this is imperative to your success)
    • Taking a break and using targeted recovery strategies
    • Supplements – navigating the arena

Throughout the program, your level of nutritional knowledge will change, and thus we will evolve and refine our process accordingly.


Supplemental Resources and Support.

    • Resources provided based on your needs. Potential resources include shopping lists, checklists, cheat sheets, & action lists.
    • Forever access to MOVEs Fundamentals Nutrition Course. Lots of info here ☺️
    • We are available daily for questions, additional guidance or anything else you may need between our coaching calls.

Thanks for stopping by! We look forward to working with you.